Joint DPAC statement on school safety measures 2021-2022

Vancouver DPAC has signed on to a joint letter from DPACs to the Minister of Health and Minister of Education calling for additional safety measures in schools.

The letter is here: Joint DPAC letter to MoE and MoH

DPACs continue to discuss their support for this letter. Currently, this letter covers:
Vancouver, Surrey, Sooke, New Westminister, Burnaby

This letter covers: 173000 students.

Some DPACs have expressed public support for some of the measures in our letter and are discussing remaining measures.

North Vancouver DPAC, covering 11500 students, has spoken publicly in favour of a K-3 Mask Mandate, additional exposure reporting and vaccinations for volunteers entering the school - link

We have written our trustees in support of their motion for a K-3 Mask Mandate - link