DPAC Executive Nomination: Gord Lau

Gord Lau has been nominated to the DPAC executive by the Trafalgar PAC. His nomination was accepted at our executive meeting on September 13, 2018. In his own words:

My name is Gordon Lau.  I have children at Trafalgar Elementary school in grade 3 and 6.

I have been an active member of our school PAC since the first day of kindergarten.  I was co-chair for our PAC for three years (2014-2017).  My participation with the DPAC started in Spring 2017, when we discovered that our school was one of five French immersion schools to lose a kindergarten class.  At that time, I worked with the DPAC to better understand the root causes behind the changes and to ensure that the parent voice was heard at the VSB.  Since then, I have been the DPAC representative for our school and the parent representative on the VSB French Immersion Working Group and Digital Strategy Working group. 

Having seen first-hand the amount of time it takes to engage with the VSB through working groups, I want to help.  Based on my experience with the working groups and the French immersion changes, I feel that I have the skills and attitude to engage with the VSB and represent the concerns of Vancouver parents and students.

Thank you for your consideration in electing me to the DPAC executive.

An electronic ballot was sent to PACs following this meeting with voting to close on October 10, 2018 at 7pm. If you are the DPAC Rep or Chair of a PAC and you have not received the ballot please contact us.