DPAC Executive Nomination: Michael Lang

The Kerrisdale PAC has nominated Michael Lang to the Vancouver DPAC Executive. In accordance with our bylaws, we require at least 20% of PACs to vote on his nomination as part of the election process. PACs — Please take the time to read his bio and to vote on his nomination by 7pm on Dec 9, 2021. In his own words:

My name is Michael Lang. My family moved to Canada from Hong Kong in 2014. I’m a proud Vancouver Angels hockey parent of three amazing young girls(2, 7 and 11 years of age). Two are at Kerrisdale Elementary school.

I have previously served as a representative on VSB's Sustainability and Active Transportation Committees and as the DPAC Rep for Kerrisdale Elementary. I am passionate about improving all aspects of public education. I also strongly believe that active transportation can play an important role in improving the health of our children and of our wider communities. To encourage active transportation, we need safe routes to school that will make communities stronger and more vibrant for all of our children.

I believe that parents have an important part of play in having the VSB work with the city to make active transportation to schools an attractive option for families.

Thank you for your consideration in electing me to the DPAC executive.