Mid-May update 2021

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Mid-May News Bulletin 

Hello VSB PACs, parents and caregivers,

As this school year nears its end, DPAC thought we'd send a bigger-than-usual missive to PACs, and include families and others who are on our newsletter distribution list, to let you know of our upcoming events and meetings, to tell you about things in which we're involved at the VSB that might interest you, and to provide you with a few other schools/PAC-related updates.

First, we have learned that Superintendent Suzanne Hoffman will be leaving VSB. We are still awaiting further information about the process the Trustees will undertake to hire a new Superintendent. Here at DPAC, vice-chair Amanda has been elected to BCCPAC. Amanda Hillis has been an incredibly valuable member of DPAC, especially in relation to policies, procedures and how to work within those structures when advocating for and with PACs, students and their families. We know she's going to bring all of her accumulated knowledge to advocating on families' and their students' behalf at the provincial level. Best wishes to both!


Participate at the District Level

Of course people leaving DPAC means we are always looking for parents and caregivers to join the team. There are many ways to be involved in DPAC, including:
  • Elected executives (Elections for executives will be held at our June 24th AGM. See the section 'Updates for PACs' for more information on nominations.)
  • DPAC Reps (Elected by your PAC)
  • Representing DPAC at a VSB advisory committee or working group.
  • Joining one of DPAC's internal committees such as Childcare or Facilities Planning

Upcoming DPAC Meetings & Events

Find dates and links to attend DPAC meetings, check our minutes, and watch videos of Vancouver DPAC past events


PAC-Led Initiative

Finally, there is a PAC led initiative which is incubating around "No School Closures for 2 Years" in light of pending items such as the Vancouver Plan and the Trustee Vision which has a focus on Neighbourhood Schools & Equity. A link to the draft of this motion can be found here.


BCCPAC -- Parent Advocacy: Understanding the Appeal Process

This Thursday, May 20, from 7pm - 8:30pm please join DPAC at a Special Presentation by BCCPAC: “Parent Advocacy: Understanding the Appeal Process" with President Andrea Sinclair and CEO John Gaiptman, to better understand how the School Act provides parents/guardians with the right to appeal any decision they feel significantly affects the education, health or safety of the student.
Parents and guardians are their child's natural advocate, making sure their child's rights, needs and opinions are respected. Advocacy is about working to achieve a successful solution for the benefit of the child.

This workshop will provide you with knowledge and tools to successfully handle situations that negatively impact your child's education and to navigate the school district Appeal Process (Section 11 of the School Act). 

Register here. You will find the information also listed as a Facebook Event here, please share it with your networks. School and district staff are also welcome to attend.

DPAC General: Challenging Racist BC -- 150 Years and Counting

At the May General on Thursday, May 27, 7pm - 9:30 pm, following a short formal meeting, DPAC will mark Asian Heritage Month by welcoming Elimin8Hate as they facilitate an exploration of Challenging Racist BC -- 150 Years and Counting, a project that seeks to explore our shared history and common future.

This session will provide an overview of the work many groups are doing to address anti-Asian, anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism. Several of the Challenging Racist BC authors will discuss and answer questions about their work, and a BCTF Anti-Oppression Educators Collective member will talk about how using enhanced digital edition of the book can be an effective teaching tool. Community advocates will be speaking against the rise of anti-Asian racism in Vancouver, Canada and globally. The concept of the model minority will be explored in the context of how leaning upon it harms students and there will be a discussion with a member of the BCTF’s Anti-Oppression Educators Collective about using the online resources in classrooms.

Speakers include proj1907, Carmel Tanaka (Cross Cultural Walking Tours and Elimin8Hate), Halimah Beaulieu (Elimin8Hate), Authors - Christine O'Bonsawin, Fran Morrison, Maryka Omatsu, John Price and Educators - Carmen Rodriguez and Karine Ng. Register here. You will find it listed as a Facebook Event here. Please share with your networks.

VSB's May Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 25 at 7 pm. The agenda will be posted the previous week, and everyone can view the meeting via the VSB's Youtube channel. If you'd like to submit a question during the meeting, go to the calendar meeting link and a submission form should be available during the meeting.

Budget 2021-2022

Sir Sanford Fleming - Site Surplus vote

  • Staff recommendation: That the Board of Education declare the Southern Portion of the Fleming school site surplus to the educational needs of the District and authorizes staff to proceed with the disposition process as per Board Policy 20.
  • Delegations and staff report were at the May 5 Facilities Planning Committee: agenda including presentations, video
If you feel strongly on any motion going to the board, email your trustees.

BCCPAC Parent Conference

Friday & Saturday, May 28-29. Registration deadline is May 21.

Speakers & Topics include:
  • Opening Address from Minister of Education, Hon Jennifer Whiteside
  • Mental Health in Schools with Jennifer McCrea, Assistant Deputy Minister, Learning Division, Ministry of Education and Patricia Kovacs, Executive Director, Equity, Wellness and Inclusion, Ministry of Education
  • Framework for Enhancing Student Learning with Marnie Mayhew, Executive Director, Sector Policy and Performance, Ministry of Education
  • Helping Children Flourish in Challenging Times with Dr Gordon Neufeld
  • First Nations Education and Your Role with Tyrone McNeil - President, First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and vice-president of the Stó:lō Tribal Council
  • Social Media Awareness, Digital Citizenship, and Cyberbullying - Dr. Greg Gerber - Safer Schools Together
  • What to Say to Kids When Nothing Seems to Work - Dr Ashley Miller
  • Parent Engagement and Succession Planning - Andrea Sinclair - President, BCCPAC

DPAC AGM - Nominations

DPAC has space for 12 DPAC executives. At least 5 spots will be open for new executives next year. If there is a member of your PAC community you'd like to nominate, please put them on your next PAC meeting agenda and then email the nomination form and short bio to chair@vanouverdpac.org by 7pm Wednesday, June 23. DPAC will need to confirm the nomination was made by your PAC before the AGM. Please reach out to any executive if you have questions.

The AGM is on Thursday, June 24 at 7 pm. DPAC representatives will be voting so ensure your representative will be there.

Zoom licenses for PAC meetings

The VSB has paid for our DPAC Zoom account for next year. Any PACs who have not taken advantage of our being able to set up and hand off meetings to you should get in touch with us if interested. We are happy to collaborate with PACs that choose to continue to utilize zoom. DPAC and many PACs have found Zoom has increased engagement and meeting attendance.

Gaming Grants

  • Time to get your application in. Gaming grant applications are due by June 30. Please contact DPAC if you have any questions/issues filling out the online application form.
  • Gaming grant guidelines for PACs have been updated. Please review before making your 2021-22 PAC budget to ensure you are in compliance.
  • Good news! Despite casinos being closed due to COVID, gaming grant funding has not been impacted. You will get $20 for every student who was enrolled in your school on September 30, 2020. 

Odds & Ends


Opportunity to give input on future decisions for French Immersion K-12 to help the ministry better understand the factors leading to increased demand for French Intensive across the province. Survey closes May 18.

Homestay Program

Interested to host a VSB international student? VSB's International Ed department and Langara College invite you and your family to join Langara's Homestay Program by hosting a student from Europe, Asia or South America. Students usually stay for five to 10 months and homestay affords them opportunity to experience life with a Vancouver family. A reimbursement is provided. Please call 604.323.5696 or email homestay@langara.ca for more information.

VCH DPAC meeting

A small number of DPAC exec in the area served by Vancouver Coastal Health were able to meet with Dr Alex Choi from VCH to have some questions answered.  As the COVID response continues, DPACs will continue to work with VCH to answer parent questions and concerns.

DPAC Newsletter

Vancouver DPAC publishes a monthly newsletter that is full of information relevant to Vancouver families, including updates from VSB, BCCPAC and the Ministry of Education. It also includes local events, relevant links about mental health, diversity and inclusion, anti-racism, SOGI, increasing your understanding of Indigenous cultures, history, and their struggle to practice their sovereignty and rights. Sign up for the newsletter by filling out the "Join our Mailing List" on the form at the top right hand side of our website and newsletter. May Newsletter
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